Monday, July 1, 2019

A Comprehensive View on why GameFreak are Incompetent

GameFreak aren’t lazy. They’re just incompetent.

I’ll kick this off by saying that I ain’t gonna start cracking off statistics about how easy it is to actually animate a ‘double kick’ attack, but if you want that info, it is on reddit. Reddit isn’t happy, and when that happens, you know they stole the idea from 4Chan, and that means it’s only a matter of time before Facebook and Instagram pick up on the hype.

So in case you haven’t heard, GF (not the Godfather, that would make this at least a little cool) have decided that not all Pokemon are worthy of entering the Galar region, mirroring the actual UK policy of denying access to the country for people we don’t deem as worth our time. I mean, why make the effort to give another human being a life that may one day be as good as ours, right?

The Gen 8 Galar Dex will take the total number of Pokemon to over 1000, which means we are another 160 years off the return of the ‘over 9000’ meme, and although the tears pour out as I’m writing this, I’m sure we will all live on. A lot of people who are defending the decision have brought up previous Pokemon games as a reason why over 1000 unique models and animations is a lot of work for one studio, and even more people have pointed out that they’re still reusing the old animations and models from the Gen 5 living Pokedex on the DSI or 3DS whichever one it was. I don’t care about that. I don’t wanna compare GameFreak to GameFreak, that’s like comparing apples and slightly shittier, worse animated yet even less apples. I want to compare GameFreak to Ubisoft.

Believe it or not, it may seem like all the workers at Ubisoft turn up in a grey suit that absorbs the colour of the objects around it and the employees at GameFreak turn up in fuckin cosplay, but they are both dev studios, and they both do *technically* the same job. And while we have no info on Watch Dogs Legion, I reckon we’ve got a good case for GF’s laziness, based on that alone.
Ya know,if Legion has over 1000 distinct character models, all with their own personalities, animations, weapons, and missions, I won’t eat my hat, I’ll eat my entire fucking wardrobe.

Having never played a Watch Dogs I am optimistic but realistic at the same time. But I expect at least a couple of hundred based on what they’ve said. A living, breathing London, with every non-enemy NPC being a potential playable character? That sounds like a hell of a lot more effort than copying and pasting the other 500 fucking odd mon that you accidentally sent to the recycle bin rather than the ‘Sword and Shield’ folder on your Windows 99 PC.

I’m inclined to say Nintendo is putting pressure of the not Pokemon Company, but if that were the case, I feel like they’d be putting pressure on Animal Crossing too. On top of that, the Q3/Q4 releases for Switch are beyond fucking ridiculous. Even on my 7 hours a week minimum wage, I can’t afford more than Mario Maker, Link’s Awakening and Fire Emblem, so God knows how the under 16s will keep up. No. Nintendo now seem too determined to stay on the right side of the press and minimise crunch. This is independent of them. Let’s move to the real problem here.

GameFreak are fantastic at sprite work. Every single Pokemon in the national dex in Gen V is absolutely gorgeous. Every town stands out, every city pops out of the screen of the console I’m playing on. Until we hit XY. And don’t get me wrong, the Pokemon models are beautiful. But describe to me the layout of one town from XY/SM I fucking dare you. They’re bland, they’re forgettable, every building looks the exact same. This is the real problem. GameFreak are not capable of being an AAA developer in the late 2010s.

They are riding a gimmick, a franchise, that they know sells. If Pokemon weren’t the worldwide phenomenon it is, a new Poke game would not sell compared to other contemporary RPG’s, they are ugly, they lack depth, and they’re nigh on broken beyond belief. The current controversy is just the beginning. This is either the beginning of a new age of Pokemon, or the beginning of the end. Either somebody competent will fix GF’s mistakes, or the franchise will lose the majority of its player base. I hope it is the former.

Genius Sonority were modelling 3D Pokemon way before it was cool, right back on the GameCube and have done a cracking job ever since. Come on GameFreak, this is the fucking help you need. I don’t want excuses about balancing or time restraints. I want to transfer my hard earned, hard caught, hard bred Pokemon, to be brought to life on a home console. If it isn’t too much to ask.

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