Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Comprehensive View on the Current Political Climate of Ireland

The Sequel Nobody Asked For

Whether you support them or not (you shouldn’t, you absolutely should not), the IRA managed to find their way into our conversations, our homes, our political debates, and even our cars! But once the fad had died down, and a ridiculously named peace treaty was signed, I very much doubt that anyone sat there and went “Man, when is IRA 2 coming out.” Well the rumour mill is milling, and the terrorists are terroring, and over two decades later, it appears that we may soon be looking at a true sequel to the explosive success – IRA 2 – the sequel that nobody asked for.

The original IRA saw our titular protagonist Mr. IRA (known as Billy McMillen to his friends and priests) as he attempted to reunite Ireland into a single state, separate from the United Kingdom, way before Scotland attempted it. (It is worth noting that as of writing this Mr. IRA has not attempted to sue Scotland for this blatant plagiarism, however, it can be assumed this plot point may return in IRA 2). Think of it as a cross between Dragonball Z and the British Empire, but with pipe bombs and Catholics instead of terrible writing and abhorrent colonialism. The tale ends with a dramatic twist, as Mr. IRA realises the United Republic of Ireland had been in the friends he murdered along the way.

The IRA was negatively reviewed by critics, the general population, and sensible political leaders, but that didn’t stop them from doing a spin off mini-series, which focused far more on peaceful negotiation than the overzealous violence that shot the original into the public eye. Every so often, you’ll hear a whisper of a new IRA coming out, but this is usually dismissed with a rolling of the eyes and a “what will those Catholics come up with next.” Due to the recent political climate, and a crossover with another title called ‘Brexit’ (SPOILER WARNING: It turns out the English were the racists all along) IRA may be set to make a real comeback this year, and as of March 2019, this is looking more and more likely with every passing parcel the Royal Mail has no choice but to deliver.

Things began to get even worse following Brexit, as the political party DUP (kind of a secondary antagonist in IRA) made a deal with Theresa May, who had laid her lizard eggs in the front benches of parliament and needed to make certain that she could access them whenever she wanted for the next 4 years. This made the creators of the original IRA very angry indeed, as they have a phobia of lizards and hard borders. All in all, the conditions seem right to make a comeback, although an insider source who I shall refer to as N suggests that the true cause of this sequel may stem from the very ending of the original.

Quite the expert, N proposes that the original treaty signed may have significantly upset some of the different communities involved with first IRA, and that an alternate ending was planned, where everyone gets absolutely shafted and it doesn’t seem like anybody wins at all. This is just speculation; however, this is looking increasingly more likely, and someone who gets paid to read this kind of stuff believed it was a first-rate report.
With all the new information come to light, what do you believe?

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