Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A Comprehensive View on Not Being a Dick to Barstaff

If I could throw your drink in your face, I fucking would.

So let me get one thing straight, I can’t tell you where I work or I could very well lose the job I so clearly love. What I will say, is I work for a bar that’s country-wide, starts with a W and ends with Brexit. The point is, everything I’m about to say is experienced first-hand, unlike my previous two posts. The fact that I know how to even set up a blog should be all the evidence you need that I wasn’t around when the IRA were initially a threat, and I heavily implied in my transphobia post that I’m not trans. I do, however, get paid minimum wage to serve the moronic 60% of the nation while they continue to treat me and my colleagues like shit on their sling glasses.

I don’t like whining, and this isn’t what this is. I’m going to get the moaning out of the way right now so that I can help you. Industry secrets and all that, I may not be old enough to have people phone the anti-terrorism hotline when I order a pint of Guinness, but I have spent a good few years on the wrong side of a bar. First of all, I don’t care what you order, I don’t get paid extra either way (which for those in the know means I definitely don’t work at the aforementioned UKIP hangout hotspot), so overcharging, underpouring, whatever else, it’s not resulting in me getting extra dollar at the end of my shift, or getting a nice little pat on the back from the bossman. The only thing that would happen to me if I got caught doing that is a quick firing and a guarantee I would never work in the easiest industry to access ever again, and as a thick piece of shit with no life skills, being blacklisted from bar work would spell the end of my bank statement not having a big old ‘-‘ at the start of it.

Adding to this. You’re drunk. I’m not. In most bars I’ve worked at. I know the drinks. You don’t. In most bars I’ve worked at. I know the prices- look, you get the idea here; my judgement is usually right, yours is almost always wrong. Fortunately for me, my current position doesn’t involve giving stupid people nice things, I get to sit in a neat little room with my only friend as a dishwasher I’ve nicknamed Daisy.

Okay, so let’s kick into the solid advice, that’ll definitely get a real publisher to hire me. I’m about to give you some solid does and don’ts for coming into a bar, ordering a drink, and leaving without making me want to drown myself in my only friend. I’ll start with the thing that angers me the most, especially at the minute. You don’t need the ice in the bottom of your glass, I know times are hard guys, but really? If I’m trying to collect the glasses off your table and you scream at me because there might still be enough liquid in there to give a flea a bath (if you try really hard), you’ve ruined my day and I think you’re a twat. As do the people who overhear you. I don’t think anyone finds being a dick to service staff attractive, short of actual fascists.

But this does bring me onto my first non-personal point. If a member of staff makes a mistake, and we do, we’re not perfect (well, I am, I’ve never fucked up in my life), address it calmly and with smiles all around. If someone serving you seems annoyed with this, it’s potentially two reasons. Reason one) they are pissed off that they’ve made a mistake. We’re busy. A cock up wastes your time, our time, and potentially company money, which leaves us in trouble. We aren’t angry at you, we’re angry at ourselves. Reason two) we haven’t made a mistake and you need to be drinking from a sippy cup, see my original point about my judgement being better than yours. If you’re going to complain about the amount of ice in your mojito, I’d rather you either looked up what you’d just ordered or didn’t breathe the same air as me.

The next thing is trying to get served at a busy bar. You’ll struggle to find anywhere that isn’t understaffed to high hell, if there’s even a single row of people at the bar, odds are, we don’t have the staff to clear them quickly, especially when you’re ordering a mixture of cocktails and hot drinks. Do you really need that hot chocolate at 10pm on a Saturday night? Or are you so sadistic that the hand you’re not paying with is stroking your dick through those Primark trousers you’re passing off as suit pants? Either way, stand, wait, make eye contact, and smile. Don’t click, whistle, wave me down with a bank note (I’m no stripper, bitch) or repeatedly ask “are you serving?” while I have a pint glass in my hand, pouring a drink. I will look at you like Medusa trying to craft a squid dildo. Honestly, aggressively trying to get my attention will just put you to the back of the queue in my mind. I can’t keep track of who was there before or after you, I don’t really care, but I also don’t really want to deal with pricks, so if there’s someone next to you waiting nicely, they’ll get served before you. 


Finally, some of us aren’t trained. Some of us are still basically kids. Let’s get personal again. I’m not physically gifted, I have a crippling addiction to nicotine, and my mental and emotional health died of malnutrition well before I stepped foot behind a bar. I’ve learned to deal, but the amount of staff I’ve seen walk because they can’t cope with the constant stream of bullshit that they have to deal with is far too high. I’ve had close friends cry on my shoulder because one person too many treated them like shit on shift, and all you’re doing is creating a staff vs customer mindset that doesn’t need to exist. We’re still human, with our own personal problems. What we can brush off one week, we can’t brush off the next. Just recently a very personal problem led to me having a full-on cry and breakdown and asking to be sent home, just because I broke a pint glass.

 I’ve always been a fan of the ‘be more kind’ mentality, and if everyone was, we’d all, well, be more kind. You know what career has the highest rate of suicide? Service staff, I’m not shitting you. You know what age/gender demographic has the highest rate of suicide? Of course you do, you’ve been on social media and seen people bitching about it, but there’s a very, very high overlap. Men aged between 18-35 probably make up the bulk of the service industry by a good amount, and I ain’t forgetting my girlies here either, love you guys.

I’m gonna go back to whining again. Do you really have to be a dick? Is your Saturday night truly made so much better by making some poor kid feel like shit for something that probably wasn’t even his fault? Sometimes we are wrong, sometimes we could do better, but we would want to do better if it felt like that was achieving something. All we want, at the end of the day, is to do our job, get paid, and go home. Same as you. So next time you head off for a pint, or some post-races cocktails, remember that by biting your tongue and being a decent human being, you’re probably preventing someone from having just, the WORST day.

Oh, and remember to tip. If you can.

Don't worry, a post on this whole Brexit bullshit is coming, very soon.